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Monday, March 5, 2012

The Importance of "I Wonder..."

For reading this week I read were Gill's,"Reading Teacher" and Gregory's "Kindergartners can do it too! Comprehension strategies for early readers." Both articles discussed the importance of comprehension. It was wonderful in Gregory's article to see kindergartners being self-aware of schema. It  made me think of how you have to break things down to be on learning level with a class, but once you do they can truly build on ideas and use them to learn more. I really loved the idea of stopping and talking to a class about what they think they know about a subject of a book before reading. The 'I wonder' statements really get a class thinking about what they already know and gives them questions to be looking for in the text. When a class has guidance like that for a reading they are paying closer attention in order to find the answers to their questions.
Building off the idea of comprehension I recently saw this video about teaching  comprehension to children. 

I think that using the idea presented in the articles as well as asking question as the reader does in this video will help teachers who, as Gill says, are still unsure about whether or not students comprehend.

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